Heart-led subconscious transformation


 Heart-led subconscious transformation

We are at a precipice as a humanity, at a time of great evolution like no other time in our known human history.

The living soul is being called to Awaken, to step forth and shine their light so brightly to assist in a giant leap in our consciousness.

The time for many of us will come, spurred by trauma, grief, loss, or for some of us even curiosity, to Awaken to truth, a deeper meaning, the next stage of our spiritual growth which requires asking the hard questions and healing some deep wounds along the way.

It was only natural as a writer and author, that I was compelled to share this knowledge and deep inner knowing to those of you seeking peace of mind as we move through this incredible gateway.

In The Awakening – A Greater Perspective, you will learn:

  • What, How, and Why Now of Awakening
  • Why understanding 3D, 5D, and the Matrix (big picture) is so important
  • How to navigate the chaos with peace and grace
  • How your personal awakening happens
  • Tools and solutions to help you “get your house in order”
  • And much more…

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