€147,00 EUR

1:1 Personal Healing & Coaching

Sessions are typically 90 minutes. I help you:

  • Heal issues in your life that feel unresolved, those which hold you back; triggers in your relationships, habits you’d rather lose, past hurt, abandonment issues, anxiety, at work, in love, etc.
  • Recover from divorce, relationship splits, and resulting trauma, pattern repeat, etc.
  • Rediscover yourself, or find yourself in the first place, and heal the disconnect with your heart and soul
  • Understand your deeper self; emotions, thoughts, etc. and learn to work with them and master them so they don’t master you, and embrace your intuition along the way
  • Balance polarities, feminine and masculine aspects of self, and WHY this is integral to your healing
  • Look to your vision of the future with purpose, and a clean slate, and start to live your divine truth wholly supported by the universe
  • Learn to genuinely feel content and comfortable in your own skin.